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Summer par Mind Map: Summer

1. Beach

1.1. South Europe

1.1.1. Portugal Algarve

1.1.2. Spain Marbella

1.1.3. France Côte d'Azur

1.1.4. Grecce Grecce Ilands

2. Mountain

2.1. Alpes

2.2. Pirineus

2.3. Himalaias

2.4. Everest

3. Desert

3.1. Gobi

3.2. Arabia

3.3. Saara

4. City

4.1. Spain

4.1.1. Barcelona

4.1.2. Madrid

4.2. Portugal

4.2.1. Lisbon

4.2.2. Porto

4.3. France

4.4. Holland

4.4.1. Amsterdam

5. Dont know to spend our holidays??? Put here your name and choise a destination :)

5.1. José Faia