Electronic Health Records

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Electronic Health Records par Mind Map: Electronic Health Records

1. By: Emily Doan

2. Description: A system that allows patient information to be sent electronically, allowing info to be up to date and accurate. Also allows papers to be viewed at a faster time and makes business run smoother due to the use of electronics versus tons of files.

2.1. Advantages: Stores information, provides a better diagnosis can be performed. Less chance of medicine being a contraindication.

2.2. Disadvantages: Security issues, Reliable information, Software flexibility, Universal problems with electronics

2.3. For ALL customers. This technology for hospitals to use to help manage any one and their health records.

3. Triple Aim

3.1. 1). Improves quality of life for patients due for documents to be more accessible and allows doctors to see papers so better care

3.2. 2). Provides better care for all patients, this information is for doctors to use to provide better care.

3.3. 3). Reduces cost by sending information over the internet which is less than sending papers through mail or fax. Because physicians have a better understanding of patient, better diagnosis can result from this and reduces wrong diagnosis and less resources of medicine is used

4. References: Helwig, A. & Lomotan, E. (2016). Can electronic health records prevent harm to patients? AHRQ.