FS2U4 Unit Links

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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FS2U4 Unit Links par Mind Map: FS2U4 Unit Links

1. Mathematics

1.1. Making patterns - making repeated patterns using toys, material, props etc.

1.2. Counting the characters in stories, props used etc.

1.3. Shapes - talk about the shapes used to make props and pictures

1.4. Begins to identify own mathematical problems based on own interests and fascinations.

2. Literacy

2.1. Storyboards

2.2. Character builds

2.3. Labeling

2.4. Rhyming

2.5. Story telling vocab

2.6. Fiction texts

3. Understanding the world

3.1. Shadow puppet app

3.2. Puppet pal

4. Personal,Social and Emotional Development

4.1. Resolving conflicts using through role play

4.2. Learning to share - props, accessories, stage wear

4.3. Listening to others ideas and contributions to narratives

4.4. Collaborating with one another and sharing ideas

5. Expressive Arts and Design

5.1. Retelling stories through role play

5.2. Begin to introduce a narrative into their role play

5.3. Creating props and accessories to support role play

5.4. responding to music, emotionally and physically

5.5. Puppet making

6. Communication and Language

6.1. Retelling stories through role play

6.2. Story vocab

6.3. Role play

6.4. Describing props and accessories that they have made, reason for making them, how they fit into their narrative.

6.5. Using story bags to make up there own stories

6.6. Puppet shows

6.7. Sharing ideas and narratives

7. Music

7.1. Songs related to particular stories/songs that tell a story

7.2. Pretending through music

7.3. Expressing themselves through different types of music -how does this music make you feel? make you want to move?

7.4. How music can be used to add to a story character's - Peter and The Wolf