EVE Api tracker

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EVE Api tracker par Mind Map: EVE Api tracker

1. Tools

1.1. Account/character mapping

1.2. Fleet

1.2.1. Fleet overwiew

1.2.2. Fleet management

2. Access system

2.1. Login system

2.1.1. EVE SSo http://eveonline-third-party-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sso/index.html

2.1.2. Admin/normal login

2.2. Role system

3. Admin settings

3.1. Worker settings

3.1.1. How often does data get pulled

3.1.2. Worker overwiev

4. Fittings system

4.1. Ablity to import fittings

4.2. Option to see who can fly fittings in the corp

5. Search functions

5.1. Ability to search in all characters items, mails...

5.2. Ability to search in everything for one keyword

6. EVE api

6.1. XMl api

6.1.1. Oldest api still working, Stops workign in june

6.1.2. http://eveonline-third-party-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/xmlapi/index.html

6.2. Crest

6.2.1. Newer api, getting replaced by ESI

6.2.2. http://eveonline-third-party-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/crest/index.html

6.3. ESI

6.3.1. https://esi.tech.ccp.is/latest/

6.3.2. New api still not finished but under development

7. EVElib - C# libary

8. tracking

8.1. Corporations

8.1.1. Assets


8.1.3. contacts

8.1.4. industry

8.1.5. Killmails

8.1.6. Wallet ledger

8.1.7. Market

8.1.8. Pocos

8.1.9. Security

8.1.10. Standings

8.1.11. Starbases

8.1.12. Summery

8.1.13. Tracking

8.1.14. Wallet journal

8.1.15. wallet transactions

8.2. Character

8.2.1. Assets


8.2.3. Calendar

8.2.4. Channels

8.2.5. Contacts

8.2.6. industry

8.2.7. intel

8.2.8. KillMails

8.2.9. mail

8.2.10. market

8.2.11. Notifications

8.2.12. PI

8.2.13. Research

8.2.14. sheet

8.2.15. skills

8.2.16. standings

8.2.17. Wallet journal

8.2.18. Wallet transactions

8.2.19. Clones