Me, 10 years from now

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Me, 10 years from now par Mind Map: Me, 10 years from now

1. Hopefully, in good terms with my family

1.1. To get married and have my own Family

1.1.1. I will be able to provide financial needs for them To maintain good health for all family members

2. My dreams in life

2.1. To earn a lots of money

2.1.1. To become a first person shooter best gamer To be able to publish sstories

2.2. To be loved and be happy

2.2.1. To get my masters degree Go on a long vacation

3. I will be a successful Enginner

3.1. To own a the most successful Enginnering Company

3.1.1. A Passion for Helping Others To provide jobs for the employees

4. My Goals

4.1. To be able to travel around the world with my family

4.1.1. To build a Mansion Save money for future purposes

4.2. To have a sports car

4.2.1. To be Physically Fit Pay of all debts