Vanessa's choices

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Vanessa's choices par Mind Map: Vanessa's choices

1. Pharmacist

1.1. get more knowledge on how different medicines affect the human body

1.2. Parents will encourage me

1.3. Able to help people with different health problems

1.4. can apply my knowledge of chemistry and biology to this career

2. Musician

2.1. Get to play music everday

2.2. Although doesn't pay very well, I will feel good

2.3. Improve my Theory Skills

2.4. Become a better flutist

3. Architecture

3.1. I enjoy sketching buildings, the outdoors,etc

3.2. I can apply my math skills to the building of my sketches

3.3. Would like to make my works well-known

4. Dentist

4.1. Help people with their dental problems

4.2. Pays very well

4.3. parents also like this career

5. Painter

5.1. Vanessa admires watercolour paintings

5.2. Might disappoint parents slightly

5.3. express ideas in a fluid way

5.4. have people admire my works