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Life par Mind Map: Life

1. Friends

1.1. Close friendships

1.2. Hangout

1.3. Memories

1.3.1. Take trips

1.3.2. Enjoy our pre-marriage/adulthood days

2. Personal

2.1. 21 years old

2.1.1. Party

2.1.2. Go to 21+ events

2.2. Future Plans/Goals

2.2.1. Career

2.2.2. Where will I live?

2.3. Health

2.4. Gym

2.5. Stress

3. Girlfriend

3.1. Happiness

3.2. Time

3.2.1. Schedule Conflicts

4. School

4.1. Finances

4.1.1. Tuition

4.1.2. Books

4.2. Full Time Student

4.2.1. 15 credits

4.3. Graduation

4.4. Homework/Tests/Projects

5. Work

5.1. Promotion Opportunities

5.2. 20-30 hours a week

5.3. Experience

6. Family

6.1. Older Sister

6.1.1. Niece and Nephew

6.2. Mom

6.3. Dad

6.3.1. Busy with work

6.3.2. Close to retirement

6.4. Little Sister

6.4.1. Just starting college