Mobile Fishing Game

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Mobile Fishing Game par Mind Map: Mobile Fishing Game

1. South African fish speasies

1.1. Bass

1.2. Karp

1.3. Talapia

1.4. YellowFish

1.5. TigerFish

2. Fishing Types

2.1. Bottom Fishing

2.2. Art Lure Fishing

3. Controls

3.1. On Screen Joystick

3.2. Accelerometer

3.3. On Screen Button

3.3.1. Go in Cast Action Streath Bar for cast

4. Mechanics

4.1. environment navigation

4.2. Aiming Lure/Bait

4.3. Cast Bait/Lure

4.4. Fight Fish

4.5. Setting Hook

5. Bite Indicator

5.1. Phone vibration

5.2. Visual Indicator (Bobber)

6. UI

6.1. Pause

6.2. Settings

6.3. Start Meneu

6.4. Location change

6.5. Bobber

6.6. Cast bar

7. Line Physics

7.1. Fish Behavior when caught

7.2. Line in water

8. Fish Areas of bite

8.1. Fish bite

8.1.1. right depth right bait Sucsesfull hookup

9. Platform

9.1. Android

9.2. Apple app strore

10. Dev Tools

10.1. Unity 3D

11. Goals of Playing

11.1. Level up

11.2. Catch Biggest fish

11.3. Master Fishing

12. Prototype

12.1. Casting Your Gear And Line with Aiming.

12.2. Work out probability of fish bite based on time

13. Enviroments

13.1. River

13.2. Dam

13.3. Lakes

14. Movement

14.1. Basic Forwards Walk

14.2. Basic Backwards Walk

14.3. Left and Right Turns

14.4. 3rd Person Controller

15. Fish Behavior

15.1. agresive

15.1.1. Peak time and bait used

15.2. Lazy

15.2.1. Extreme times of day

15.3. Normal

15.3.1. Normal times of day

16. Fish Types and Natural Behavior At Different times of day