Carla's Map Of Choices

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Carla's Map Of Choices par Mind Map: Carla's Map Of Choices

1. Interior designer

1.1. creativity

1.2. I have always loved to design and draw houses

1.3. art

1.4. medium salary

2. Astronaut

2.1. discovering

2.2. really interested in space

2.3. the movie "interstellar" had a big impact on me

2.4. good salary

2.5. lonely

2.6. math and physics

3. Stylist

3.1. communication

3.2. creativty

3.3. fashion

3.4. medium to good salary

3.5. working with big companies

4. PR Agent

4.1. fashion

4.2. god salary

4.3. creativity

4.4. communication

4.5. working with people

5. Lawyer

5.1. helping people

5.2. good salary

5.3. debating and defending

5.4. I have always been interested in law and how a government works

6. Landscape Photographer

6.1. travel a lot

6.2. creativity

6.3. art

6.4. time to be alone, but also get together with other artists

6.5. bad salary

7. Politican

7.1. law

7.2. debating

7.3. good salary

7.4. too much responsible

8. Event Manager

8.1. communication

8.2. fashion and music

8.3. organization

8.4. medium salary

8.5. creativity

8.6. spontaneity

9. Psychologist

9.1. helping people

9.2. communication

9.3. social sciences

9.4. good salary