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entrepeneur par Mind Map: entrepeneur

1. starting a dogschool in the Netherlands

1.1. registered in the chamber of commerce

1.2. user agreement with the municpality of Breda

1.2.1. subsidy program for starting employments

2. request for a subsidy

2.1. invest in attributes

3. falls under sport and recreation

3.1. giving lessons on a primary school

3.1.1. purchase materials

4. Tax authority

4.1. facilities of a starters and a investment deduction

5. Don''t have enough knowledge

5.1. not possible receive a subsidy

5.1.1. conect with a contactperson for entepeneurs

5.1.2. Get more information on the website of Chamber of commerce

5.1.3. subsidy programme of your municipality

5.1.4. hire a subsidy expert

6. normally business activities