Solving picture word problems using 6 stragedies

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Solving picture word problems using 6 stragedies par Mind Map: Solving picture word problems using 6 stragedies

1. Guess and Check.

1.1. Find the total amount. Make a reasonable guess about the kind and number of items. Check it.

2. Write a Number Sentence.

2.1. Write what the situation is. Write what the unknown is. Choose a letter for the unknown. Write a number sentence and for the unknown.

3. Make a Table.

3.1. List the sets of data. Make a table of the data

4. Draw a Picture/Identify the Picture

4.1. Find the information needed for the picture. Draw and label the picture with information from the problem. Use the picture to answer the question.

5. Find a Pattern.

5.1. Find the information that follows the pattern. Find the Rule for the pattern. Use the rule to solve the problem.

6. Act it Out.

6.1. Find the information that can be acted out. Act out the information on many ways possible, Choose the way that answers the question.