Project Coding : blog

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Project Coding : blog par Mind Map: Project Coding : blog

1. Why a blog ?

1.1. A blog is easy to create for a beginner like me.

1.2. How to create a blog is something useful to know in future life.

1.3. I had a blog last quarter and I really enjoy it.

2. On Future Technologies

2.1. Inventions that may appear in the Future

2.1.1. Thought about it

2.1.2. Is it something negative or positive ?

2.1.3. Some points that we could improve.

2.1.4. Is it something really needed ?

2.2. Ideas of inventions

2.3. Robots

2.3.1. Asimo

2.3.2. Nao

2.3.3. Questionnaire about thought of the readers on Robots and AI (Artificial Intelligence)

3. Where should I learn coding how to code a blog ?

3.1. Code academy

4. What can make it different from other

4.1. I can maybe linked it to my ancient blog.

5. What kind of code should I learn ?

5.1. PHP

5.2. HTML

5.3. RUBY

5.4. CSS

6. What topic my blog could be about ?Why?


6.1.1. this topic could interest a lot of people

6.1.2. I know what kind of informations I can provide

6.1.3. It something very interesting to work on.

6.1.4. I have knowledge on that topic.

6.1.5. There are a lot of things to know about future tech.