Revolutions of 1848

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Revolutions of 1848 par Mind Map: Revolutions of 1848

1. Austrian Revolution

1.1. money plummeted and unemployment rose

1.2. imperial family departed from vienna

1.3. Government imposed many liberal amendments

1.4. emperor abolished robot obligation

1.5. Abolished censorship of press

1.6. soldiers unwelcome in streets

1.7. soldiers ordered to withdrawal to their barracks

1.8. students march for liberal rreforms

2. Hungary

2.1. Magyar should replace german and latin

2.2. only 40% of pop. was magyar

2.3. Nationalist kossuth wanted magyar tongue

2.4. kossuth supports constitutional government

3. Germany

3.1. March demnads

3.1.1. Freedom of press

3.1.2. Constitutional governance

3.1.3. All german parliament

3.2. german confederation constitution would undergo changes

3.3. delegates invited to discuss reform

3.4. german colors associated with liberalism and nationalism

3.5. March 22 berliners given funerals

4. Origins

4.1. Bad harvests

4.2. Blight in potatoes

4.3. bad ecomnomic conditions

4.4. unemployment

4.5. political figures radicalized

4.6. telegraph system

5. France

5.1. 170,000 out of 35 million people could vote

5.2. Political Banquet would challenge the government

5.3. Soldiers were under attack by extremists

5.4. louis dismissed prime minister