The Revolutions of 1848

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The Revolutions of 1848 par Mind Map: The Revolutions of 1848

1. Reasons of Revolution

1.1. Increase in Population Difficulties

1.2. Poor Economy/Low Working Wages

1.3. Poor Living Conditions/Overcrowding

1.4. The fall of Prince Metternich encouraged many people

2. Abolition of Robot Obligation

2.1. March 1848

2.2. compensation paid to landlords

3. The Poles of Galcia

3.1. reorganization on the national basis

3.2. awardance of seperate consitituion

3.3. recognition of legality

3.4. orginization of a serparate national gaurd

3.5. Widespread introduction of polish language

4. Results

4.1. better representative government

4.2. civil liberty

4.3. unregulated economic life

4.4. Monarchy of France was overthrowed

5. French Revolution of 1848

5.1. Prince Metternich sought to re-establish order.

5.2. First Republic: Louis Napoleon

5.3. Treaty of Chaumont

6. Italian Revolution of 1848

6.1. Tries to Break away from Austrian Dominance

6.1.1. Desire to Unify is left marked

6.1.2. Nationalist rising against Austria

6.2. Vienna Considered important revolution location

6.2.1. citizens alienated by use of military force

6.2.2. Congress of Vienna established

6.3. Guiseppe Mazzini lead unification

7. Revolution of 1848 in German Lands

7.1. Problems in Food Prices, Diseases

7.1.1. Hopes of change encouraged papacy

7.2. Germanic Culture

7.2.1. Romaniticsm

7.2.2. Nationalsim

7.3. Offered Leadership to Prussia

7.3.1. Not Accepted

7.3.2. Embers to Unify