European History in 1848

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European History in 1848 par Mind Map: European History in 1848

1. Severe food shortage, unemployment of France.

2. Middle classes excluded, lower class regulation

3. Austria, Germany, and Italy nationalistic tensions.

4. Austria middle class- economic reform/ political change

5. Liberalism, nationalism, and socialism emerged

6. French Revolution driven by nationalist and republicans.

7. Constitutional monarchy end/ French Second Republic.

8. Frankfurt Assembly/ plan unification of Germany.

9. Hapsburg Empire threatened by revolutionary movements.

10. Sometimes known as Spring of Nation.

11. Series of republican revolts against monarchy.

12. Sicily, France, Germany, Italy, Austrian Empire.

13. Middle class liberals appeal working class.

13.1. representative government, civil liberty, unregulated economy.

14. Prussian King refuses to take the crown.

15. Louis Napoleon wins presidential election in France.

16. Hungary: Hungarian revolution/ longest in Europe.

17. Sweden: riots took place in Swedish capital of Stockholm.