5 things you should look for when evaluating th​e credibility of a web page as a source for your ...

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5 things you should look for when evaluating th​e credibility of a web page as a source for your academic research par Mind Map: 5 things you should look for when evaluating th​e credibility of a web page as a source for your academic research

1. Is the author biased? Check for examples of personal opinion. If the author is biased, the web page is less reliable.

2. You can look at the domain, if it is .edu it's reserved for colleges and universities, while .gov is for a government website, and those two websites are very reliable and credible. However, be careful with other domains.

3. If the website has grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes it might not be so credible. Credible websites pay close attention to that.

4. They should have their author listed. If they don't, it is less credible.

5. If the web information is current, because if it is not current, it will give you outdated information, and not be reliable