Are athletes overpaid?

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Are athletes overpaid? par Mind Map: Are athletes overpaid?

1. people that save lives should get paid more than people how play a sport for fun.

2. LeBron james makes more than nurses the president and firefighters

2.1. " LeBron james makes $71 million last year. Nurses who decide there lives to the care of others didnt make that much. Firefighters who pull kids out of burning buildings and the president of the united states who runs this country does not make that much." (Edelman 24 )

3. Someone getting paid 100million a year when the avarege american house hold dont make that much in there livetime

3.1. "No matter how you look at it, the guy getting paid 19 million dollars to swing a bat at a ball is making more per game than the average American house hold in a decade" (

4. Does it sound far that people that save lives dont get as much as people who hit a ball for fun.

5. I know that the people who save these lives do whatch sports but that does not mean that they should get paid more.

5.1. lots of the people watch it including those docters and firefighters and the president