Sports fans go to far.

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Sports fans go to far. par Mind Map: Sports fans go to far.

1. R1. Would you get arrested over a soccer game?

1.1. "It looked like a war zone. Angry mobs ran through the streets hurling rocks and smashing storefronts. Police in riot gear fired rubber bullets and shot tear gas into the crowd. Terrified parents clutched their children and ran for safety. Before order restored, at least 15 officers were injured and at least 60 people were arrested.” ( Scope magazine, Sam Apple, 11-12)

2. R2. People cry over one lost game or even just a bad play.

2.1. “They have been known to weep over a missed basket or fumbled pass.”(Scope Magazine, Sam Apple, 11-12)

3. R1. Fans will do something illegal or they will start to cry over the fact that their team lost.

3.1. “Overall, most fans are ruthless, hostile and even threatening so maybe it’s time to start questioning the morals of the one’s watching the game more so than the one’s playing the game.” (The Waterboy Report-sports fans go to far).

4. CA. Team Spirit.

4.1. I know the fans just like to cheer for their team but people take it to far over a game, for example Riots, how do you explain that not over the limit.

5.*~hmac=fb77479403851f110179b14cfc6c5ccab17142d342146779d0ad54ace67a951b pg.10-12, Sam Apple
