September 11 attacks

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September 11 attacks par Mind Map: September 11 attacks

1. Bin Laden kept his al-Qaeda network going and used it to promote his radical political interpretation of Islam.I

2. Osama was a son of a wealthy family

3. They where known for trying to make governments from around the world lose power and al-qaeda

4. In 1988, bin Laden established a large-scale network he called al-Qaeda to reinforce the mujahideen and supply them with more fighters.

5. Al-Qaeda was also the ones who plotted the 9/11 attacks bin Laden established a large-scale network he called al-Qaeda

6. Al-Qaeda

7. osama bin laden

8. There are only some stated that are allowed to carry guns around such as ohio,Texas,Florida

9. Just after 9:30 The al-Qaeda a terrorist-piloted American Airlines jet hit the side of the Pentagon building near Washington DC which houses the U.S. Department of Defense

10. Osama bin Ladin was planning the 9/11 attack

11. Weaponds of mass destruction

11.1. One reason that california is not allowed To carry guns is because they made it legal to small weed so there for they might band guns in California