I am ERASMUS student and I need??

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I am ERASMUS student and I need?? par Mind Map: I am ERASMUS student and I need??

1. Get information about the ERASMUS program

2. Search for transport information

2.1. To travel to the chosen city

2.1.1. Plain

2.1.2. Train

2.2. To dislocate in the city

2.2.1. Train

2.2.2. Tram

2.2.3. Taxi

2.2.4. Bus

3. See if the classes have equivalence

4. Get information about the chosen University

4.1. International office

4.2. Schedules

4.3. Classes

4.4. Transportation to there

5. Choose the country

6. Search for acommodation

6.1. Residence

6.2. Hotel

7. Novo nó

8. Novo nó

9. Novo nó

10. Erasmus life

10.1. domitory

10.2. parties

10.3. menza

10.4. study

10.5. trips

10.6. friends

11. Novo nó