You shouldn't clone your pet. I don’t think anyone should clone pets because it costs a lot of mo...

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You shouldn't clone your pet. I don’t think anyone should clone pets because it costs a lot of money, not all cloned pets survive, and the pet that you had will not be the same as the clone. par Mind Map: You shouldn't clone your pet. I don’t think anyone should clone pets because it costs a lot of money, not all cloned pets survive, and the pet that you had will not be the same as the clone.

1. Reason 3: The pet you had will not be the same as the cloned one.

1.1. “Your companion won’t come back. You will get a genetic twin. Just like an identical twin, except they will have a very different life, and that will affect their personality to some extent.”(Hugo)

2. Counter Argument: You want to relive the sadness of your pet's death.

2.1. Squash: Yes, but that also means you are paying near 100,000 dollars to watch your beloved pet die again. Also, he want be the same dog, so it is just not worth it and let the cycle of life keep going.

3. Reason:1 Cloning is very expensive

3.1. “Prices fluctuate but it can cost $50,000-$150,000 to clone a dog and $35,000 to clone a cat, at least.”(Hugo)

4. Reason 2: Not all cloned pets survive.

4.1. "For every successful clone there are dozen of failures"(Matson 28)