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My placement par Mind Map: My placement

1. Activity sector

1.1. Heating

1.2. Ventilation

1.3. Air conditionning

2. Who ?

2.1. thirty technicians in the company and fifty employees in entire group

2.2. It is for the particulars and others company

3. Where ?

3.1. The company is located in Couëron

3.2. In Engie Home-Services

4. Duration

4.1. I worked during one month

4.2. From 8 a.m to 18 p.m

4.3. From Monday to Fridy at 12 p.m

5. What ?

5.1. Actions

5.1.1. Maintenance

5.1.2. Breakdown service

5.1.3. Servicing

6. My opinion

6.1. Useful

6.2. enriching

6.3. too short

7. Description of an activity :

7.1. to replace a motor of extraction ventilator

7.1.1. discard the circuit breaker

7.1.2. remove the old motor and disable this

7.1.3. coupled the new motor if not already there

7.1.4. place and cable the new motor in the box air flow

7.1.5. connect the belt to the motor

7.1.6. reset the circuit breaker

7.1.7. chek if the motor rotate in the right direction

7.1.8. sign the papers with the client

8. Conclusion

8.1. Positive and négative points

8.1.1. It is enriching

8.1.2. It is too short

8.1.3. I like work like a technicien

8.1.4. they not occupy me