SWOT Analysis

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SWOT Analysis par Mind Map: SWOT Analysis

1. Improvement for cool personality

2. Strengths

2.1. Kindness

2.2. Athlete

2.3. Hafiz-e-Quran

2.4. Always Trust in Allah Almighty

2.5. No Temper

2.6. Polite Man

2.7. Respectful for Teachers and elder

3. Opportunities

3.1. I can improve writing skills

3.2. Prepare for Compete myself

3.3. No Negative thinking

3.4. Motivation for improve confidence and Language consistency

4. Weaknesses

4.1. Lack of writing skills

4.2. Lack of self confidence

4.3. Negative Thinking about myself

4.4. Language Barrier

5. Threats

5.1. Jealousy

5.2. Competition

5.3. Social Media (Wasting time)

5.4. Society