Outils Web 2.0 pour la formation

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Outils Web 2.0 pour la formation par Mind Map: Outils Web 2.0 pour la formation

1. Evaluer

1.1. JotForm · Easiest Form Builder

1.2. JeopardyLabs - Online Jeopardy Template

1.3. Free HTML Form Builder - Create Forms, Surveys and Invitations

1.4. EasyTestMaker

1.5. Create free online surveys and polls with PollDaddy.com

1.6. Online testing - ClassMarker

1.7. QuestionForm

1.8. Kubbu Teaching Online

1.9. Mobile Study - Create Educational Content For Mobile Devices

1.10. Interactive Quizzes (in minutes) - embed in any website blog!

1.11. Quizzes » Fun Quizzes & Surveys » Make a Quiz Online » Quibblo!

1.12. Formulaires en ligne Google

2. Présenter

2.1. Photos/videos

2.1.1. FotoFlexer - The world's most advanced online photo editor

2.1.2. What Can We Do With Flickr Flickr  partage de photos !

2.1.3. Depicto - drawing on pictures, multiuser chat -

2.1.4. veotag - vidéos annotés

2.1.5. Animoto - The End of Slideshows

2.1.6. Yodio - Add voice to photos

2.1.7. Zentation.com - Webinar software

2.1.8. create your own multi-language videos dotSUB

2.2. Ecrans

2.2.1. Screencast.com

2.2.2. TechSmith Jing, instant screenshots and screencasts, home

2.3. Slides

2.3.1. SlideShare (share powerpoint presentations online, slideshow

2.3.2. Spresent.com - Presentations for New Web

2.3.3. Slideo

2.3.4. authorSTREAM Online PowerPoint Presentations and Slideshow Sharing

2.3.5. igniteCAST - Broadcast Videos, Courses, Slideshows, Screencasts, and Social Media.

2.4. Dessins et graphiques

2.4.1. Witty Comics - Make a Comic

2.4.2. eGames Generator

2.4.3. Scratch Home imagine, program, share

2.4.4. xtimeline - Explore and Create Free Timelines

2.4.5. Online Diagram Software and Flowchart Software - Gliffy

2.4.6. Exploratree - Exploratree by FutureLab

2.4.7. Imagination Cubed

2.4.8. Dipity - Find, Create, and Embed Interactive Timelines

3. Audio/Chat/Webconference

3.1. YackPack - Simply Connected

3.2. VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, docs and videos.

3.3. Chinswing - Creating Conversations (A place to share, discuss and debate)

3.4. [yaplet.com] yaplet

3.5. Yugma, Free Web Conferencing

3.6. Vyew

4. Divers

4.1. Box.net- Storage on line

4.2. Directory of over 1,800 E-Learning Tools

4.3. Web 2.0 Tools Database

5. Flashcards

5.1. Flashcards The world's largest online library of printable flash cards

5.2. Mindpicnic Intelligenter lernen.

5.3. Flash cards, vocabulary memorization, and study games Quizlet

5.4. Create Free Flashcards, Quizzes and Study Teams on FunnelBrain

6. Planifier/organiser

6.1. Google Agenda.

6.2. Doodle

6.3. Project management, collaboration, and task software Basecamp

7. Plateformes

7.1. Nuvvo eLearning

7.2. haiku LMS

7.3. Vyew.com

7.4. Ecto - Welcome!

7.5. Engrade - Free Online Gradebook

7.6. MyiCourse a Free Learning Management System

7.7. Lesson Writer

7.8. Odijoo free eLearning Platform

7.9. réseaux sociaux

7.9.1. Ning - réseau social.

7.9.2. Twitter

7.9.3. Facebook

8. Rédiger/collaborer

8.1. Letterpop - newsletter

8.2. Visite guidée de Google Documents

8.3. ThinkFree Online beta

8.4. Writeboard. Write, share, revise, compare.

8.5. Diigo - Bookmarking and Annotation

8.6. Online Office, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation, CRM and more

8.7. Online Spreadsheets - EditGrid

8.8. Wikis

8.8.1. Free wiki Business -Personal -Education PBwiki.com

8.8.2. wikidokuwiki [DokuWiki]

8.8.3. Erudix - Votre université en ligne

8.8.4. Wikis for Everyone - Wikispaces

8.9. Partage de connaissances

8.9.1. NoteMesh   -   Echange de notes de cours 

8.9.2. Apprenez une langue plus rapidement ! - WordChamp

8.9.3. Learning Communities - Nuuvo

8.9.4. Vidipedia - The Video Encyclopedia

8.9.5. Wikipedia

9. MindMapping

9.1. Mindomo - Web-based mind mapping software

9.2. MindMeister - think together

9.3. Thinkature - Real-time collaboration for the web

9.4. bubbl.us - free web application for brainstorming online

9.5. WriteMaps Site Map Application Create, edit, and share your sitemaps online.