Chapter 3 : Operating System Structures

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Chapter 3 : Operating System Structures par Mind Map: Chapter 3 : Operating  System Structures

1. Additional os System Functions

1.1. resource allocation

1.2. accounting

1.3. protection and security

2. Microkernel

2.1. benefits of microkernel organizations

2.1.1. extensibility

2.1.2. flexibility

2.1.3. realibility

2.1.4. protability

3. Layered Approach

3.1. layers of os

3.1.1. lowest layer (layer 0) hardware

3.2. modularity selected layers

3.2.1. use function (operations)

4. System Calls

4.1. process control

4.2. file management

4.3. device management

4.4. information maintenance

4.5. communication

4.6. protection

5. os design

5.1. design of the system

5.2. start by defining goals and specification

5.3. design of the system

6. Operating System Services

6.1. user interface

6.2. program executiuon

6.3. i/o operations

6.4. file system manipulation

6.5. communication

6.6. error detection