No Burn order

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No Burn order par Mind Map: No Burn order

1. Over the weekend, other large wildfires burned in Baldwin, Coosa, and Wilcox counties.

2. Previously, 46 counties were covered by order

3. Guidelines

3.1. Friday Walker County has grown into a 700-acre blaze.

3.2. persistent drought conditions.

3.3. the fires have destroyed around 15,409 acres.

3.4. 1,421 wildfires have occurred in Alabama since Oct 1.

3.5. fires have quickly spread out of control.

4. several of the fires have been large, not only resulting in damage to our forest but also directly threatening residential areas.

5. Bentley placed all 67 counties under drought declaration that prohibits outdoor burning.

6. Gov. Robert Bentley extended a '' No Burn order'' to all Alabama counties on Monday because of wildfires fueled by drought.

7. Montgomery