Plant Power: the Unlimited Use of Plants

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Plant Power: the Unlimited Use of Plants par Mind Map: Plant Power: the Unlimited Use of Plants

1. To make paper

1.1. Newspapers

1.2. Books

1.3. Magazines

2. Cotton plants can be used...

2.1. To make clothes

2.2. To make cotton balls

2.3. To make bedsheets

2.4. To make bandages

3. To make food for us

3.1. Vegetables

3.2. Fruits

3.3. Seeds

3.4. Nuts

3.5. Beans

4. To make food for animals

4.1. Grass

4.2. Leaves

4.3. Seeds

4.4. Nectar

5. To make most medicines

5.1. Aloe Vera

5.2. Witch Hazel

6. To build

6.1. Houses

6.2. Furniture

7. To make our places beautiful

7.1. Gardens

7.2. Streets

7.3. Parks

8. To produce energy

8.1. Coal

8.2. Gasoline

8.3. Natural gas

9. To make shade

10. To produce oxygen