Anxiety and Depression

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Anxiety and Depression par Mind Map: Anxiety and Depression

1. Impact on development

1.1. Physical

1.1.1. Lack of nutrition

1.1.2. Lack of bone growth and density

1.2. Social

1.2.1. Foregone social experiences

1.3. Emotional

1.3.1. Self-concept ruined

1.3.2. Unable to learn how to deal with emotions

1.4. Intellectual

1.4.1. Higher potential to drop out of school

1.4.2. Lack of concentration at school

2. Impact on Health

2.1. Physical

2.1.1. Self harm

2.1.2. Lack of sleep

2.1.3. Lack of physical activity

2.1.4. Substance and alcohol abuse/reliance

2.2. Social

2.2.1. Social isolation

2.2.2. Strained family relationships

2.3. Mental

2.3.1. Poorer quality of life00