Smoking Tobacco

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Smoking Tobacco par Mind Map: Smoking Tobacco

1. Classification:

1.1. Stimulant

2. Street Names:

2.1. Ciggs

2.2. Smokes

2.3. Butts

3. Long Term Effects:

3.1. Death

3.2. Addictive

3.3. Bad immune system

3.4. cancer

3.5. lung damage

4. Treatment:

4.1. Nicotine replacement

4.2. Medication

5. Mode of Use:

5.1. Smoking it

6. Short Term Effects:

6.1. Increased Blood Pressure

6.2. increased Heart Rate.

6.3. Narrowed Arteries

6.4. reduced oxygen in blood

6.5. calming

7. Cost of Smoking:

7.1. 8,500 a year

8. Awareness Facts About Smoking:

8.1. teens under 18 start smoking

8.2. Causes many types of cancer

8.3. If you have a child and you smoke, they can be exposed to second hand smoking.