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Salmon par Mind Map: Salmon

1. Rocks

2. Starfish (in general)

3. insects

4. Rocks

5. Boundary: Strait of Georgia

6. the sun

7. water

8. orcas

9. shellfish

10. Opal Squid

11. Giant Octopus

12. Morning Sun Star

13. Plovers

14. Salmon Shark

15. Abiotic factors

16. Inputs

16.1. migratory birds

16.2. migratory fish & whales

16.3. people

17. outputs

17.1. people

17.2. fish

17.3. birds

18. Harbour Seals

19. ZooPlankton

20. Aquatic Vegetation (Eelgrass)

21. Phytoplankton

21.1. Dinoflagellates

21.2. Diatoms

22. Water fowl