Lit Terms in "Lord of the Flies"

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Lit Terms in "Lord of the Flies" par Mind Map: Lit Terms in "Lord of the Flies"

1. Symbolism

1.1. Definition: When an author uses an object or character in the novel to represent a greater concept or abstract idea

1.1.1. Example: The Conch represents aspects of society such as law, order, and democracy

2. Theme

2.1. Definition: The underlying message an author incorporates into their work. Can be a warning, lesson, or universal idea.

2.1.1. Example: Isolation from society can lead to the emergence of savagery.

3. Irony

3.1. Definition: When what happens in the text is the opposite of what is expected or appropriate

3.1.1. Example: In setting a fire intended to kill Ralph, Jack ends up saving Ralph's life. The smoke from the fire draws a ship to the island; the boys are rescued by a Naval officer.

4. Tone/Mood

4.1. Definition: Tone is set by the author when their attitude about the subject matter is incorporated into the text in an implied or obvious way; Mood is the emotional affect on readers or emotional state of the characters

4.1.1. Example: During the scene where Simon dies, the tone is horrified- the author portrays Jack's tribe as savages. The mood is tense and the reader feels horrified, which corresponds with the eerie tone set by the author.

5. Foreshadowing

5.1. Definition: When future events in the text are hinted at through clues and references

5.1.1. Example: There are many references to an approaching storm, which builds tension and shows the reader that negative events are on the horizon. The storm then coincides with Simon's death.

6. Flashback

6.1. Definition: When a character recalls events that have happened in the past (outside of the plot of the novel)

6.1.1. Example: Ralph often daydreams about life at home, which causes him to reminisce about his past and be bitter about his current situation