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Guides par Mind Map: Guides

1. - Purpose

1.1. - State reasons why someone would sign up for your guide. Why would they need it, why did you created in the first place?

1.2. —

2. Purpose

2.1. Create a simple and effective way for me to get ideas out of my head and into a map

3. Growth

4. - Steps

4.1. - Title

4.1.1. - What is the title of your map? Ensure that you focus on situations where it will be helpful or people that will find it useful

4.2. - List the steps that are necessary in order to achieve that milestone. PS specific as possible

5. Outcome

5.1. Decorate something is flexible enough to keep on going while also being put into the performance at

5.2. Writing

6. Categories

6.1. Education

6.1.1. Learning

6.1.2. Creativity

7. End