The Water Suite

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The Water Suite par Mind Map: The Water Suite

1. Suite in D major

1.1. 3 suites

1.2. 17 movements total

1.3. This one has 5 movements

1.4. Allegro, Hornpipe, Minuet, Lentement, Boureé

1.5. Baroque

2. Minuet

2.1. 3/4

2.2. D Major

2.3. "A French stately dance in triple time"

2.4. Binary form, both parts repeat

2.5. Homophonic texture

2.6. Section A

2.6.1. 8 bars

2.6.2. Repetition in beginning

2.6.3. Sequence

2.6.4. Range 4th

2.7. Section B

2.7.1. 16 bars

3. Background

3.1. Composed for George I's birthday

3.2. Performed on a river barge

3.3. ^ Whitehall to Chelsea

3.4. 1717

4. G.F. Handel

4.1. Born 1685 - 1759

4.2. Born in Hallé, Germany

4.3. Studied law at university

4.4. Played harpsichord and violin

4.5. Worked in Italy, settled in England

5. Hornpipe

5.1. Section A

5.1.1. Brass instruments

5.1.2. Loud

5.1.3. D major

5.2. Section B

5.2.1. Contrasting

5.2.2. Relative minor: B minor

5.2.3. No brass instruments

5.3. Time: 3/2

5.4. Form: ternary

5.5. Homophonic texture