"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" Characters and Events

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"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" Characters and Events par Mind Map: "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" Characters and Events

1. Mrs. Flint

1.1. Very jealous of Linda

2. Linda's Grandmother

2.1. A white woman

2.2. Plans to buy Linda

3. Willie (William

3.1. Brother to Linda

4. Linda

4.1. Main character

4.2. Also the author

4.3. Born a slave in North Carolina

4.4. Real name is Harriet Jacobs

4.4.1. She hid her identity from her old master

5. Dr. Flint

5.1. Evil character

5.2. Goes after Linda

5.3. Has a wife (Mrs. Flint) and a daughter (Linda's mistress)

5.3.1. In the text, "mistress" means female master