Learning and Technology MA

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Learning and Technology MA par Mind Map: Learning and Technology MA

1. Digital Communications EDTC 517

1.1. Fall 2016

1.2. Professor Bruzzese

1.3. This course helped me in my world of collaboration with my co workers. I was able to use Google products as well as many other methods to make communication easier for myself and others!

2. Capstone Learning & Technology EDUC 527

2.1. Spring 2017

2.2. Dr. Bacer

2.3. This course is a reflective course that guides you to reflect on one's personal. professional, and technological growth. It has helped me see how much I have gown, and how to market myself professionally.

3. Special Topics in Educational Technology (Assistive Tech in Classroom) EDTC 527

3.1. Spring 2017

3.2. Professor Courduff

3.3. This course is about learning about the wonderful world of SPED and the assistive technologies that help those children succeed. This information is imperative to today's classrooms whether you are general education or SPED.

4. Essentials in Learning and Technology EDUC 511

4.1. Fall 2016

4.2. Dr. Bacer

4.3. This course also is a responsible for adding to my toolbox of useful apps and websites. Here I was able to explore the world of proper APA formatting and why it is important.

5. Evolving Educational Technologies EDUC 515

5.1. Fall 2016

5.2. Professor Holder

5.3. This course opened my eyes to the wonders of technology and how to successfully use it in one's classroom. The amount of educational apps and websites is so eye-opening to where our education is now going. This was by far the most influential course to my teaching strategies.