What Mood is evoked in 'The Walking Dead' opening Credits? How is the mood evoked?

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What Mood is evoked in 'The Walking Dead' opening Credits? How is the mood evoked? par Mind Map: What Mood is evoked in 'The Walking Dead' opening Credits?  How is the mood evoked?

1. Frenzy

2. Fear

3. Isolation

4. Juxtaposition of lines of abandoned traffic going out, no traffic enters

5. Empty shelves, things strewn on the floor show ransacking

6. Photos of people broken on the floor

7. Glass shattered on mans photo revealing his face but the sharp bits are pointing towards his face, like daggers. Ladies face in broken frame/glass and a shadow of a cloud going over the picture as it transitions to the next shot of the house and a cloud above. The sound takes a dark plunge when it’s over the mans picture. Represents shattered life. Foreshadowing of events to come. A relationship between each.

8. No birds on the telegraph lines

9. Screen colours are greens and sepia and really bold red white and blue for the American flag and red for the blood of the animal being eaten by the crows.

10. All roads lead to destruction..the lines point to the burning city

11. Abandonement

12. Despair

13. Anticipation

14. Short, sharp shots-seconds each

15. Repetitive music score pattern, short, sharp, high pitch, edge of seat sound. (violin)

16. First shot an overgrown window – no one to tend to the garden or house.

17. Shots in quick succession from a house to a trailer – representing life now is on the road.

18. A lost teddy

19. Empty streets

20. door knob moving back and forth- Light just focusing on door knob

21. Camera angles – looking up makes house and then trailer look looming - larger than life