The Mother Tongue - Chapter 12 English as a World Language Summary & Analysis

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The Mother Tongue - Chapter 12 English as a World Language Summary & Analysis par Mind Map: The Mother Tongue - Chapter 12 English as a World Language Summary & Analysis

1. 300 million and 400 million of people speak English as first language

2. Usually English words are taken just as they are

2.1. English is frequently studied and stimulated because it has become imited bye a lot of countries

3. The borrowed words grow

3.1. japon is the coutry that have taken more English words than any other

3.2. Some words

4. FRANCE:Language law

4.1. 1986 The president Francois declared that France was in war with Anglo Saxon

4.2. E.g. France did not deal an agreement due to misunderstanding

5. In many places English is widely resented as a symbol of colonialism.

6. People have been trying for over a century to devise a neutral, artificial language

7. Morphology, syntax, and idiom are far more difficult

8. Traduction is expensive (around $15 per word)

9. Stores

9.1. It is globalized

10. English is the most global of languages

10.1. It is bussiness language

11. Sometimes new words are made up

11.1. CREOLE: A person is speaking English or something that is like English but is really a quite separate language

12. English television broadcast

13. Frequency and gravity of misunderstandings owing to difficulties of translation

14. Fifty three universal languages were proposed(1880-1907)

14.1. E.g. Esperanto, Anglic, Volakup, Dales and seaspeak

15. Anglic won some influential endorsements

16. Seaspeak(maritime language) in order to reduce confusion by establishing set phrases

17. misunderstanding provoque issues among countries.