Internet Message Headers

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Internet Message Headers par Mind Map: Internet Message Headers

1. Sender and recipient indication

1.1. From:

1.2. Sender:

1.3. To:

1.4. cc: Carbon Copy

1.5. bcc = Blind Carbon Copy

1.6. Phone: Non-standard

2. Response control

2.1. Reply-To:

3. Message identification and referral headers

3.1. Message-ID

3.2. Content-ID

3.3. In-Reply-To

3.4. References:

4. Headers containing dates and times

4.1. Delivery-Date

4.2. Date:

4.3. Expires: Not standardized

5. Language information

5.1. Language: e.g. "en" for English

6. Resent-headers

6.1. Resent-From:,

6.2. Resent-Date:,

6.3. Resent-To:,

6.4. Resent-cc:,

6.5. Resent-bcc:,

6.6. Resent Message-ID

7. Miscellaneous

7.1. Status

7.1.1. U message is not downloaded and not deleted

7.1.2. R message is read or downloaded

7.1.3. O message is old but not deleted

7.1.4. D to be deleted

7.1.5. N New

8. Trace information

8.1. Return-Path

8.2. Received

9. Format and control information

9.1. MIME-Version

10. Other textual headers

10.1. Subject

11. Quality information

11.1. Priority: influence transmission speed and delivery

11.2. Importance: Values: High, normal, or low.Not used to control transmission speed.

12. Encoding information

12.1. Content-Type

13. Security and reliability

13.1. Content-MD5: Checksum of the content to ensure that it has not been modified.

14. Codes utilisés

14.1. Standarisé

14.2. Non Standarisé

14.3. Pas pour l'usage géneral