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solfeggio par Mind Map: solfeggio

1. 528hz water tuner

2. about the frequencies

3. where do the tones come from

4. making use of the frequencies

4.1. hymn to st. john the baptist

4.1.1. fibonacci song

5. grand solfeggio

5.1. dna-repair

5.2. mindvibrations

5.3. attunedvibrations

6. solfeggio

6.1. music is life

6.2. nature's frequencies & mozart

6.3. solfeggio

7. sacred frequencies

7.1. solawakening

8. Ut Queant Laxis

9. gregorian healing chant

9.1. ultimate fractal for healing

10. transformational tools

11. master our chakras

12. hymn to st.john the baptist

13. healing power of solfeggio

13.1. chakra solfeggio

14. chakra meditation

15. healing with frequencies

15.1. how to use solfeggio frquencies

15.2. healing frequencies music

15.3. sacred frequencies

15.4. ultieme healing

16. consciousness

16.1. reservoirs of consciousness

16.2. labyrint

16.3. yin/yang

17. 852 awakening intuition

18. suppression of solfeggio