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Atoms par Mind Map: Atoms

1. What Are They?

1.1. Building Blocks of Matter

1.2. Not visible by naked eye

1.3. Comes from word "atomos"

1.3.1. Atomos means "uncuttable"

1.4. Has an overall neutral charge

2. Particles of an Atom

2.1. Nucleus (Center of an Atom)

2.1.1. Protons positive charge

2.1.2. Neutrons neutral charge

2.2. Electron Cloud (Outer part of an Atom)

2.2.1. Electrons negative charge

3. Charged Atoms

3.1. Positively Charged Atoms

3.1.1. have lost 1 or more electrons

3.2. Negatively Charged Atoms

3.2.1. have gained 1 or more electrons