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Nosiness par Mind Map: Nosiness

1. Privacy

1.1. Personal

1.1.1. Family

1.1.2. Friends

1.2. Professional

1.2.1. School

1.2.2. Work

2. Curiosity

2.1. Unhealthy

2.1.1. Worry

2.1.2. Anxiety

2.2. Healthy

2.2.1. Helpful

2.2.2. Concern

2.3. Killed the

3. Fear

3.1. Stalking

3.2. Following

3.3. Surveillance

4. Alienation

4.1. Family

4.2. Friends

4.3. Co-workers

5. Learning

5.1. Personal Edification

5.2. School

5.3. Employment

5.4. Training

6. Intelligence

6.1. Information Gathering

6.1.1. Data Mining

6.2. Planning

6.2.1. Logistics

7. Insecurity

7.1. Inadequacy

7.1.1. Not Good Enough

7.2. Keeping up with the Jones'

8. Respect

8.1. Bounderies

8.1.1. Limits Personal Professional

8.1.2. Understanding

9. Distrust

9.1. Cheating

9.2. Hurt

9.3. Theft

10. Investigations

10.1. Financial

10.2. Police

10.3. Private Investigator

10.4. Courts

11. Surprises

11.1. Christmas

11.2. Birthday

11.3. Anniversary

12. Indescretion

12.1. Job

12.2. Others

12.3. Self

13. Journalism

13.1. Newspaper

13.2. Radio

13.3. Television

13.4. Investigative Reporting

14. Invention

14.1. New Discovery

14.2. Science

14.3. Medical