Test-taking strategies

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Test-taking strategies par Mind Map: Test-taking strategies

1. Post-test

1.1. When you get your test back, look over and make sure there are no grading errors

1.2. Look over it to make sure you understand your mistakes

1.3. Take notes for the answers you got wrong

2. Pre-test

2.1. go over material such as study guides and homework

2.2. eat before your test

2.3. get at least 3 (preferably 8) hours of sleep

2.4. try to show up 5 minutes before test

3. During test

3.1. Don't worry if others have finished before you, focus on your test.

3.2. Bring at least two pencils and pens

3.3. Keep a positive attitude throughout the test

3.4. Ask the instructor for clarification if you do not understand something

4. During test

4.1. Bring a watch to the test to better pace yourself.

4.2. do the easiest problems first, don't spend too much time on the ones you don't know

4.3. pace yourself, dont rush.

4.4. If you don't know the answer, skip it

5. Pre-test

5.1. preperation

5.2. budget time

5.3. go to review sessions

5.4. make sure to go to class right before your test

6. Post test

6.1. If you aren't satisfied with your grade, ask the instructor if there is a make-up exam or extra credit

6.2. Save the test as study material for future cumulative tests.