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Science par Mind Map: Science

1. Si Units

1.1. International system of units.

2. Variable

2.1. Something that can change in an experiment.

3. Phylogeny

3.1. The evolutionary history of a certain living organism and/or how it has changed over time.

4. Rhizoid

4.1. Thread-like structures that anchor nonvascular plants to the ground.

5. Annual

5.1. Plant that completes its life cycle in one year.

6. Scientific Methods

6.1. Procedures used in order to solve problems and answer questions.

7. Hypothesis

7.1. Prediction that can be tested.

8. Genus

8.1. A group of similar species

9. Binomial Nomenclature

9.1. System used by scientists to name organisms- 1st word tells genus and 2nd word something about the specie.

10. Pioneer Species

10.1. First organisms to grow in new or disturbed area that serves for help to make new soil for more plants to grow.