Spiderman Comparative

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Spiderman Comparative par Mind Map: Spiderman  Comparative

1. Actors

1.1. Tobey Maguire

1.1.1. 3 Movies

1.2. Andrew Garfield

1.2.1. 2 movies

1.3. Tom Holland

1.3.1. 1 movie and a part of other

2. Powers

2.1. TM has the original powers

2.2. AG has the original powers

2.3. TH has no spidey sence and not a lot of strength

3. Characters

3.1. Flash Thompson

3.1.1. TM great AG great TH poor

3.2. Mary Jane

3.2.1. TM great AG didn`t appear and TH well no way thats MJ

4. Opinion

4.1. In my opinion the new films is like a spin of iron man

5. Expecting more

5.1. in the new movies coming

5.2. in the avengers