Distribution of products

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Distribution of products par Mind Map: Distribution of products

1. Nature of cargo

1.1. To facilitate loading and shipping of the goods you must be properly marked indicating the kind of product, weight and expiration date are thus characterized.

1.2.  Per Perishable load

1.3.  Load of dimension and special weight

1.4.  Dry load

1.5.  Fragile load

1.6.  Dangerous cargo

2. Choosing means of transportation

2.1. The air mode is fast and can reach international destinations but is too expensive

2.2. The terrestrial is usually the most used and economical in small and medium size loads

2.3. Iron mode has to be in connection with rail lines and in Colombia to date these lines have not been updated

2.4. Maritime mode can transport container type and take cargo to international destination

3. Modes and means of transport

3.1. Land: trucks.

3.2. Air: plane

3.3. Maritimos: Cargo bouquets

3.4. Railway line: trains