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P.O.W.E.R par Mind Map: P.O.W.E.R

1. Methods and how they ca be used to help you in situations you will encounterr in college or carrer

1.1. P ( prepare ) short and long term and carrer goals

1.2. O ( Oraganize ) tools physical and mental

1.3. W ( WORK ) Started actually doing the work = motivation

1.4. E ( Evaluate ) determinig how well the product or activity we have created matches our goals

1.5. R ( Rethink ) evaluation considering how wewll what we have done matches out initial goals or if they require modification

2. Learning styles

2.1. Reflects a persons prefemed manner of acquiring using and thinking about know ledge

3. personality styles

3.1. influenced by our personality

3.1.1. Intoverts vs extraverts

3.1.2. Intuitors vs sensors

3.1.3. Thinkes vs feelers

4. the origins of our leraning styles

4.1. the kind of processing our brain " specializes "

4.1.1. left - brain processing concentrate more on tasks requiring verbal competence

4.1.2. Right - brain processing tends to concentrate more on the processing of information in nonverbal domains