International relations

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International relations par Mind Map: International relations

1. Since the World War II the importance of transnational groups has increased significantly.

2. The Hobbesian Situation

2.1. We call morality to a system of rules that promote each person's interests and each person has reason to adhere to it, but only if the majority complies with them.

2.2. The commentators think that the theory of Hobbes is prudential, but is not a good position to maintain because is in direct conflict with other portions of Hobbes's text.

2.3. Hobbes created nineteen laws of nature that help some societies to regulated and restrict some actions according to moral principles.

3. State of Nature

3.1. One of the application of the State of Nature is that explains that the war is a "Result of structural properties"

3.1.1. This two ideas are different, the first talk about leads prescriptions and the second leads of predictions.

3.2. In the second model provide about the moral and what are the actions justified in the international relations.

3.3. With the Hobbesian view theirs not obligation to follow all the rules in this case of cooperation .

3.4. This State of Nature have the regulators to the state of war.

3.5. For this position to be accepted, the following must be met: 1.The participants on the international relations are states. 2.The states have the same power. 3. States are independent. 4.To all of this there is no expectation that all this will be fulfilled by all the parties involved.

4. Interdependencies of states

4.1. The units should be able to order their internal affairs independently of their international policies of the other units

4.2. If the units in the state are interdependent the the pursuit of self-interest by any one unit might require cooperationwith other units in the system.

4.2.1. Bennefits Full employment Control of inflation Balanced economic growth

4.3. A great example of this is that the great powers want at any cost avoid a nuclear war and thanks to that they´re seen as more reliable to trade.

5. It consist on:

6. No reliable expectations of reciprocal compliance in the absence of an authority capable of enforcing moral rules.

6.1. Redefine the state of nature as a situation in which there are neither settled habits of obedience to moral rules nor well-established moral conventions

6.2. The concerns of international relations have broadened considerably, with the result that competition among international actors may often take a variety of nonviolent forms, each requiring at least tacit

6.3. Agreement on certain rules of the game that express important common interests of the actors involved.

7. It consist on:

8. It consist on:

9. It consist on: