Foundations of Education

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Foundations of Education par Mind Map: Foundations of Education

1. History of U.S. Education

1.1. Reform movement with the most influence on education in my opinion: The struggle for free public education.

1.2. One historical interpretation of U.S. education- The Democratic-Liberal School.

2. Sociology of Education

2.1. Theoretical Perspectives-

2.1.1. Functionalism-

2.1.2. Conflict theory-

2.1.3. Interactionalism-

2.2. 5 effects of schooling on individuals

2.2.1. Knowledge and attitudes-

2.2.2. Employment-

2.2.3. Teacher behavior-

2.2.4. Inadequate Schooling-

2.2.5. Gender-

3. Philosophy of Education

3.1. Pragmatism

3.1.1. Pragmatism is basically a philosophy that helps people reach their goals.

3.1.2. Generic notions-

3.1.3. Key researchers-

3.1.4. Goal of education-

3.1.5. Role of the teacher-

3.1.6. Method of instruction-

3.1.7. Curriculum-

4. Schools as Organizations

4.1. Major Stakeholders

4.2. Elements of Change

5. Equality of Opportunity

5.1. Educational Outcomes

5.1.1. Class

5.1.2. Race

5.1.3. Gender

5.2. Coleman Study from 1982

6. Educational Inequality

6.1. Cultural Difference Theory

6.2. School-centered explanations for educational inequality

6.2.1. School financing

6.2.2. Pedagogic practice

6.2.3. Ability grouping

6.2.4. Gender

7. Politics of Education

7.1. Purposes of Education

7.1.1. intellectual-

7.1.2. political-

7.1.3. social-

7.1.4. economic-

7.2. Perspective

7.2.1. The role of the school: Conservative Perspective.

7.2.2. Explanations of Unequal Performances: Liberal Perspective.

7.2.3. Definition of Educational Problems: Radical Perspective.

8. Curriculum & Pedagogy

8.1. Developmentalist theory

8.2. Two dominant traditions of teaching

8.2.1. Mimetic

8.2.2. Transformative

9. Educational Reform

9.1. School-Based reforms

9.1.1. School-business partnerships

9.1.2. School-to-work programs

9.2. Political reforms that impact education

9.2.1. Full service and Community Schools

9.2.2. Harlem Children's Zone