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Mind map par Mind Map: Mind map

1. Ambitions

1.1. Astrologist.

1.2. Paleontologist

1.3. Professional E-Sports player

2. Hobbies

2.1. Gaming ( Blade and Soul , Overwatch , League of Legends , Dragon Nest , etc. )

2.2. Reading fictional books

2.3. Listening to music.

2.4. Baking Patisseries

3. Life

3.1. Grew up in Shah Alam

3.2. Living with my single mum and half brothers. Parent's divorced.

3.3. Learning to love and appreciate my family once again after an unpleasant childhood / past.

3.4. Represented in competitive chess and swimming for Selangor.

3.5. Participated in many E-Sports tournaments.

3.6. In-love with animals and nature.

4. Dreams

4.1. Taking care and supporting my mum and brothers in the future.

4.2. Going to Japan.

4.3. Have good health and happiness

4.4. To help prevent the extinction of animals and preserve nature.