Define the Problem. My old friend and my new friend are both having birthday parties on the same ...

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Define the Problem. My old friend and my new friend are both having birthday parties on the same day. Who's do I go to? par Mind Map: Define the Problem. My old friend and my new friend are both having birthday parties on the same day. Who's do I go to?

1. Evaluate the Results: We came up with the idea to spend time with each other outside of the party, so that I could still celebrate everyone's birthdays while spending time with both of them. This option left both of them happy as they got to spend time with me, and that made me feel happy. I learned that if there are conflicts with other people, you need to come out honest instead of risking hurting someone.

2. Decide and Act: I have decided to come to resolution between the two of my friends so that both of them are happy.

3. Identify my Value: I never like to hurt anyone's feelings, and never pick sides. I would like to choose the option that keeps both people happy, rather than pick over the one that I simply find more interesting.

4. Consider the Consequences 1. Lose my new or old friend 2. Lose both friends. 3. Possibly hurt both friends 4. Come up with a solution that both people agree with, so everyone is happy.

5. Explore the Alternatives. 1. Go to my old friend's party, to keep him as a friend. 2. Go to my new friend's party to strengthen the relationship 3. Do not go anyone's. 4. Go to half of each party. 5. Tell them and come to a resolution together